Category Archives: Ovenclean


Ovenclean Blog – The Day Job

Image of Ovenclean LogoThis blog post will deal with my work as an Ovenclean Franchisee. Many customers have asked me for advice and information on various issues regarding their ovens. So, rather than fill your in-box with long mailing list type emails, I will link my emailings to this blog page. Please read on.

In the same way that you should carry out regular checks on your car to ensure that the tyres are correctly pumped up and have sufficient tread etc., you should also check the state of your oven once in a while. Here is how you can check the efficiency of your oven door seal. If you have a problem with your oven then you should email me: Russell Collins   or call me on 07460 238877

Oven Efficiency – The Doors

When I turn up in my Ovenclean T-shirt to clean an oven, one of the things I check is the quality of the door closing mechanism. The oven door needs to close firmly and remain closed so that the door is completely shut. If the door is not completely shut then hot gas will escape from the door to damage the outside of the oven, reduce the efficiency of the oven and possibly also cause you heat injuries from hot air (in excess of 180 degrees) escaping from around the door. It is easy to check the door efficency.

Oven Door Ring

Image of Rubber Door SealAll oven doors should have either a rubber, or steel mesh based door ring around the oven cavity. This allows a gas tight seal to be formed between the oven door and the oven body when the door is shut. Door Rings have a very long life span stretching to years, but they will deteriorate over time. Rubber door rings get hard, split, sag and break, metal door Rings compress and fray. This can allow the release of hot gases that reduces oven efficiency and possibly cause personal injury.

Oven Door Hinges

Image of Oven Door HingeOven door hinges have powerful springs in them that force the door against the rubber seal to form an airtight connection so that hot gases cannot excape from the oven. If the springs have stretched over time (years) then the door does not close properly. This can allow the release of hot gases that reduces oven efficiency and possibly cause personal injury.



Checking the Oven Door Seal.

Checking the seal of the oven door is easy. Simply switch on the oven (assuming a fan oven) and with the door closed, simply listen to the noise of the fan. Give the door handle a gentle push and there should be no change in the oven noise. If there is a change in noise then you have a faulty door seal and remedial work is required.

Check the oven door ring and see if it is hard, cracked or broken. If it is then it needs replacing.

Check the door hinges by opening the oven door about 5 cms and letting go. It should shut with a bang. If it doesn’t then the hinges probably need replacing.

Any concerns either email me Russell Collins or call me on 07460 238877